"The Put On" - Lasco-C3 00APR25 - 14:18UT
Hi Kent:
Here's another fine example of the SOHO/LASCO Team's image editing. When will these folks finally realize that image corruption is very easily caught by a trained eye.
Please compare the following 2 images. 1st the B&W realtime image, Then the filtered (1024 x 1024 pixel) cropped image file. The exact same enhancement techniques have been applied to both pics.
Afterwards, look at the image previously submitted earlier on 4/17/00. Ref: sun/4-17Erv.jpg
Now, is there anyone out there who still thinks they are not being dupped?
Very Best Regards,
Colonel Ervin
PS: Subsequent C3 image on 4/25/00 detail additional anomalies.
On your marks, image detectives!!!