Date: 5/22/00 11:16:42 AM Pacific Daylight Time

Kent, Hello! I think this might interest your readers, what with the
Diadem, etc!. It was forwarded to me by a friend who lives in Austria.
Best, Susanne

by Judith Light Feather

This past week I have received tons of e-mails concerning the planetary
lineup for May 3-5. This is a very important energy infusion for the planet
that most astrologers are focused upon. However, in the Mayan culture, the
focus was greater than our present day astrologers are aware of in their

The Ancient Mayans were interested in the Galactic astronomy and the
origins of Creation. As their Long count signifies, they were aware of time going
back beyond billions of years, into figures that our calculators can't

This month is one of the most important events in the Galactic Cosmology of
the Ancient Mayans. On May 21, 2000 the Sun and the Pleiades will conjunct
in the Zenith over the Yucatan on the latitude of the energy grid at 190 40'N.
The planets of Mars, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and Saturn will align from
West to East with the Sun for this conjunction.

Why is this important? The early Toltec system also involved this rare
alignment in the Zenith, which occurred in the 9th century AD, when the
Mayan civilization disappeared with no traces. This same alignment will happen
again on May 21, 2012. In the long count, the Maya conceived of a 13 baktun
cycle of 5200 years as a World Age. On May 21, 2012, we will witness the
last World Event of this present 5200 year World Age. The idea of periodically
shifting World Ages is found in the myths of many cultures. To ancient
societies, the sky was understood to be intimately linked with the
changing modes of human culture. The Galactic Cosmology shows us the Cosmic Center
of creation in the Milky Way which is identified by a Celestial Cross which
was the symbol of the first Solar Zenith Sun. This movement signals the
re-birth of the world and the return of Quetzelcoatl. This cosmology reveals a
progressive worldview that recognizes the underlying spiritual realm as
primary to the realm of physical, material manifestations. The Long Count
calendar attests to the importance of this phenomena and points to the
Galactic center as the center of our Milky Way Galaxy, and the source and
origin of everything in our Galaxy, including us. This womb of All will
renew the world in AD 2012. The Maya World Age philosophy is based on change, and
gives an insight into the nature of time and reality, such that the world
is perceived to periodically renew itself. Hence, the nine recurring cycles
within cycles, so accurate, they mystify our scholars.