Subj: militia release Date: 98-02-19 16:26:41 EST From: Phikent To: Iwonder414 Militia of Montana P.O. Box 1486 Noxon, MT 59853 406-847-2735; 2246 fax PRESS RELEASE/FYI -- 2/18/98 Saturday evening, February 14th, John Trochmann received a telephone call from colleague in southern Illinois who had just been informed by an active Marine that America would be at war with Iraq within four days. Sunday afternoon, February 15th, John Trochmann had a phone conversation with a former military remote viewer who informed John that America would hit Iraq on February 24th. On the 26th retaliation strikes would hit four areas of the U.S. Near Rochester, NY., Chicago, IL., state of Wyoming and near Los Angeles, CA. he went on to say that on the 28th Israel would hit the Arab countries with everything they have. At that time Great Britain would join in with Israel and the U.S. We took this information to a former N.S.A. agent who is still well-connected. He stated that remote viewers have about a 95% track record. Thiformer agent also informed us that Saddam Hussein had offered a large reward for any American pilot captured alive. We were also told that Iraqs anti-aircraft batteries were of the latest technology. Monday morning, February 16th, we received information dated, 2-16-98 regarding German contingent at Holloman A.F.B., NMAs of the time stated above it was reported from several high ranking German officers that upon the declaration of martial law by President Clinton that their job would start. As defined by the officers their job is to contain the American public by any means necessary to maintain the directives of martial law. This information was received by this station from two sources and verified by radio traffic at the above time. The general consensus of the officers was that the declaration of martial law would be enacted within 2 weeks. Monday afternoon, February 16th, we received word (Associated Press) that Moscow had released information that Russian members of parliament currently visiting Iraq plan to stay there as a human shield against a possible U.S. strike. Zhirinovsky has made several visits to Iraq to express solidarity with President Saddam Hussein. Hes a vocal critic of the United States and Britain... Tuesday morning, February 17th, we talked with a former U.S. Pentagon officer who had recently returned from Washington, D.C. when asked his opinion about remote viewers he stated his agency gave them a 67% track record. We informed him of N.S.A.s 95% rating to which he replied perhaps some where in-between. When we shared with him information on the four areas to be targeted in the United States he stopped me at Chicago, IL and said, "My God, 5th Army headquarters is located there. The communications headquarters has been transferred from Cheyenne Mountain to the 5th Army HQ. Dumbest move I've ever seen. This is the communication hub for U.S. military." He went on to say, "The date you have -- the 24th -- is wrong. It is be the 25th." He also said that according to recent satellite photos there is an extra-ordinary amount of missile transport traffic in the Ural Mountains. Also, Iraq has 2 missile launch sites located in their mountains. One manned by Russia, the other by China. They are about 60 miles apart. He said these 2 sites are not visible to our satellites because of laser fields blocking the view" --- end ---