Is human immortality or extreme longevity a realistic aspiration?

Wild nature can give numerous examples of immortality without any visible
reasons. Bacteria can live forever in laboratory conditions. Cancer cell
lines, which were made 100 years ago, are still alive. Organisms known to be
centuries old are easily aroused from hibernation - thus nature has a
mandate for longevity if not immortality.

To forever invalidate the statement "Crows are black" one needs only one
crow of another colour to introduce a caveat to the statement due to the one
exception found.

Likewise, if any living organism appears to have achieved immortality on the
planet earth then the question "Is human immortality a realistic
possibility?" becomes redundant. It is fact that immortality is natural for
some living creatures and so provides potential for adoption for others.

The question regarding human immortality is probably "when and how" rather
than - "Can humanity achieve literal immortality thereby making death an
option rather than an inevitability?"

My take on the immortality issue is that with sufficient wealth and desire -
achieving selective human immortality is a mere question of time -
depopulating the planet, likewise.

When I say "When one asks a person to explain why fellow humanity invades,
slaughters, deceives, pillages, burns and rapes, often the reply will allude
to gaining power, wealth, resources, expanding control and geographic
holdings. Although not the ultimate goal of the Gomerite - these
warmongering strategies are used to accumulate the necessary power, wealth,
resources, expanding control and geographic holdings to finance and pursue
the true and final agenda - human immortality or extreme longevity and world

Amassing wealth, power and control of the world using chaotic and horrendous
strategies are the Gomerite second phase, strategies and objectives in
support of the final and ultimate Gomerite goal - achieving selective human
longevity in an uncrowded paradise.

Will it be easy to pinpoint who is working on human immortality and global
depopulation - of course not.

These are endevours for the concealed, rightly so as Francis Bacon
prescribed and advocated.