BREWING IN THE GULF [signs of things to come]

3/2/2006 12:04:05 P.M. Pacific Standard Time Kent, take a look at these links. I have also alerted Scott Stevens. Tremendous scalar things went on here in Texas this morning. I took many photos. I am beginning to wonder what the connection is to this mass in the gulf that has started rotating now. Water Vapor  Source  [Sea Temps]


3/3/2006 9:29:02 A.M. Pacific Standard Time

Kent, Just got word that offshore oil field workers were recently evacuated from rigs in the Gulf of Mexico due to anomalous tremors on the ocean floor. This coincides with the rash of coal mine disasters and seems to indicate that the earth’s tectonic plates are in extraordinary motion all over the planet as reported by various sources.  SLEUTHS?
3/3/2006 4:54:21 P.M. Pacific Standard Time

I think that the tremors are due to the current SWARM in the Puerto Rico trench area 2  Puerto Rico (Something big cooking in the last hours)

La Nina weather phenomenon is coming: WMO

Giant Volcano Under Yellowstone Park Stirring to Life   Yellowstone Bulge May Cause Thermal Unrest