Bacon's Philosophy - Secret Societies

Bacon's method for permeating his philosophical ideas into the collective
unconscious of the age can best be summarised in his motto: bene visit qui
bene latuit - One lives best by the hidden life. Bacon resurrected the
Rosicrucian Mystery school and the Freemasons, and injected new life into
these secret fraternity societies so they became vehicles for the new
Baconian philosophy of reason and scientific enquiry.

(Authors note - resurrecting the secret societies is a brilliant way of
adding skins to the onion - red herrings to throw off the hounds from the
"real" quarry.)

Bacon's "New Atlantis" details how the modern secular age of science would
foreshadow and transcend politics. In his book "New Atlantis" - (a
prescription for the New World Order), Bacon uses a story of an island
utopia in the Pacific where science prevailed over ignorance and
superstition in all spheres of human life. Politically, the island has no
elections, no ruler, just a learned council of men who have proven
themselves by scientific achievement. In other words, a government of
scientists ruling because of their scientific achievement.

Does "New Atlantis" describe the end result of depopulating the planet
whilst enjoying the fruits of immortality?