2/10/2007 9:17:23 A.M. Pacific Standard Time

  This is all part of the early history of humanity on this
particular planet, Earth.
  In ancient Sumeria, which is where I went following the demise
of Atlantis, instead of on with another group that went to Egypt,
the Annunaki were revered as being sages.
  In that particular lifetime, I maintained no home, but
traveled throughout the land and stayed in the homes of the
people to whom I would be offering my services.
  In that capacity, I had opportunity to learn many things from
the people that I would come into contact with.
  Some beings from outer space came to this planet for the purpose
of conquering the beings that they found, and ruling over them.
  Not all beings that came to this planet were beings of high
  The seeding for the potential for great light was established
during that time, but also the seeds of discontent, the seeds to
enslave others, and the seeds of w-rs were planted during this
  The Mideast has often been referred to as the cradle of
civilization. It has also been said that all of Earth’s major
conflicts have sprung from that area.
  Wayne: According to the reader’s account, Anu had at least two
sons and one daughter, all by different mothers.
  The eldest, when he came to Earth to mine for gold, was named
E.A., the second son's name when he came to Earth after E.A.,
was named EN.LIL.
  The half-sister's name was NIN.HUR.SAG.
  Ea, along with other Annunaki, was sent to Earth to remove
gold from the waters, but, given the difficulty of this process,
mining was started in Africa. Enlil was sent to Earth to
manage the settlement in the Middle East, this area was called
  Ea was sent to Africa to oversee the mining; his name was then
changed to EN.KI.
  (All the Nibiru names have descriptive meanings regarding
their roles/functions, etc.
  This mining was done initially by the Annunaki, who after the
passage of much time, revolted.
  The result of this revolt was Ea's suggestion that he create
workers from beings present in Africa, through a process of
genetic manipulation--beings called "Lulus" were created by Ea
and Ninhursag, who were unable to reproduce, requiring the
female Annunaki to birth each of these new workers, males and
  This was, obviously, a severe hardship on them. In any event,
Ea, on his own, developed a new creature who could reproduce
independently, whom he named "The Adam." Is the above account
essentially correct?

  This is in essence correct, but it was not this location that
was the birthing place of the He-rew Nation.
  The Heb-ews came many millennia later.
  Humanity was not birthed from a single Adam and a single Eve
in the ways of Chr-stian belief.
  Many beings came from many places and set up outposts all
over Planet Earth and have been doing so for more than 1
million years and beyond.
  And these civilizations have all come and gone, but each have
left their mark.
  Many have left their histories, much the way modern
civilizations leave their time capsules to be found by future
  It is only from human’s perceptions that any of these beings
are named ETs.
  Travel throughout the galaxy was commonplace and Planet
Earth was but one of many bus stops.
  And at the time of Abraham and Lot, Planet Earth was still
being visited on a regular basis by many beings from other
  However, the group to which Abraham and Lot belonged were a
group that was known as the Hebr-w Nation of people.
  And they considered themselves to be an elitist group in
that region of the Earth that they were populating.
  They would never have thought themselves to be fooled or
duped by ETs. (JW  I have been honored by knowing the present
inca-nation of the Abraham.  He is a great person and many
of his friends call him Joe.  He is a n-w age scientist and
his name is Joseph Cater.  He has a group of trusted friends
who study with him and as a token of respect they called
themselves Caterites.)
  Therefore they were absolutely certain that the information
they were being given was from high orders of celestial beings.
  Abraham was visited by ang-ls from one planet, Lot by an-els
or beings from a different planet.
  These two groups of ETs were at odds with each other, each
wanting to claim the region as being under their dominion, and
they were not interested in sharing.
  There is in the region thought to be Sodom and Gomorrah a
large tract of land that is concave. And to this day, if you
take your nuclear testing equipment to the region, you will
find it to be highly radioactive from the fallout, for it was
a nu-lear b-mb that destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, and a
blinding flash of light from the detonation that destroyed the
being who was Lot’s wife.
  There was a definite group of beings that populated Africa.
This particular group wanted to enslave those humans in that
  These humans were very infantile in their evol-tion at that
time. They at that time had not yet become bisexual and this
did present a hardship for the Annunaki who were searching for
gold in that region.
  The Annunaki at this point in time were not looking for gold
for their mother planet, but they knew of the resonating value
of gold, and these Annunaki had modes of transportation unknown
to the Earth beings. Distance traveling on electromagnetic grids
was known to the Annunaki and to many other of the settler
groups. In other parts of the world other than Africa, the
Annunaki were setting up civilizations and building great
structures that were inlaid with gold. They would oftentimes
work with the kings of certain regions and guild their monuments
with gold in return for certain favors.
  The Annunaki, when they first came to Planet Earth, were of
a noble intent and established agreements with other beings who
lived upon this planet at the time, but over many generations
of their so-ls upon Planet Earth, they fell from grace, as did
many other groups.    
  Wayne: the above reader is interested in clarifying Yah-eh's
relationship to the Annunaki g-ds, if any, and the Semitic
peoples relationship to the Annunnaki.
  Y-hweh is in no way first Go-. He is one of the lesser
go-s and a -od who would reward his people for following his
directives, but yet he was at w-r with the g-ds of other
nations of people, some of which were the Annunaki; he
wished to be supreme. He was an extremely jealous and
possessive go-, inflicting harsh reprimands and punishments
upon any being under his influence that would attempt to think
differently from his edicts.
  The Annunaki at this point in time had set themselves up in
many parts of the Earth. They were beings much larger in size
than the He-rews. The Heb-ews arrived from Mars just prior to
the sinking of Atlantis. They could not return home, and
Yahw-h came to them and promised them a home if they would
agree to do what he said.
  Wayne: The reader is wondering why, following the imposition
of the various re-igions of the various go-s on the humans for
thousands of years, most of which has resulted in slaughter,
we think they won't try to set themselves up as -ods again as
Nibiru returns this way in 2003.
  It is not only the Annunaki who have imposed their thoughts
and beliefs upon the evo-ving so-ls dwelling upon Planet Earth.
There have been many such groups and each has tried to set
itself up as the supreme authority.
  There are many stories of wa-ring go-s and these all have a
basis in truth. There have also been many beings of light who
have come forth as team members of the original plan for this
earth and who have attempted to teach and uplift many humans.
The being known to you as Satan, who created thought forms that
played wa- games and, in capturing the enemy gained much
strength and power, is but another example of a go- who allowed
his energy to get away from him and created havoc upon this
  It is in no way our intention in these writings to set any one
group in a position of discomfort. For each human can begin to
walk the path of light, whether they be He-rew, Muslim, Ca-holic,
Ba-tist, or Mo-mon. It does not matter. Attempts to clarify
history only have value so long as they bring you into the
position of acknowledging one humanity.
  Keep in mind that the humans, though unevolved, did agree to
the positions set forth by these various -ods or the beings
that portrayed themselves as being go-s. And the sooner that
each of you stops pointing the finger away from yourself
towards another, the sooner brotherhood will be established. Our
purpose in addressing these issues of history is never to cast
stones at anyone, nor in any way to belittle anyone, for there
is one law that reigns supreme over everything that is.
  And that law in essence is this: Whatsoever or whosoever
proceedeth forth from the Father (or Source) shall, in due
course of time, return to the Father. Je--s knew this when he
spoke of the Prodigal Son.
  Today, Lord Satan has turned to the light and so has Lord
Lucifer. They are doing everything in their power to function
within the wh-te light.
  In other words, they have put aside the mirror image. For no
longer is Man destined to learn lessons through duality of
   You shall begin to learn the greater lessons through the
principle of oneness and unity. There is but one planet;
there is but one Earth; there is but one people; and there is
but one ensouling presence of this planet.

John Winston.