A World in Crisis

Copyright 2001 (c) by J.S. Chiappalone


Internet Address: http://www.drjc.org/

A time to rethink the definition of Reality

Part One

Whether you want to believe it or not, you and every other individual on Earth is being affected by a process of unique change. Indeed, this is a Generation of Uniqueness, a generation of massive change; a generation of fragmentation of many things, a time of sorting out, a time of finality. You, like everyone else, are going to have to rethink the paradigms of normality which you have accepted since the Age of Reason, and which you have modified, knowingly or unknowingly, in order to make sense of a world which seemed to accommodate you as the years passed in your life.

But suddenly, especially with events unfolding since the time of the bombing of the World Trade Towers, nothing seems the same in our minds. Suddenly there are forced upon many minds, very aware ones and less aware ones, many issues and fears which shatter the laboriously molded paradigms of normality we hoped would see us to the end of our lives. One of the fears encroaching on minds is the fear that whatever paradigms of normality we had, they are now not sufficient. Suddenly the world makes less sense; suddenly the guard rails we used to set our minds at ease in times of crises are no longer there. Suddenly we feel vulnerable as never before. It is as if a massive mental earthquake has shattered our inner being and we are on shifting mental ground, trying to make sense of that which is no longer familiar.

Our vulnerability is not just physical, as with the threats of attacks from known and unknown quarters, nor just financial with threats of loss of jobs, loss of financial stability and independence. It is not even the thought of war alone, for many of us have lived with the reality of multiple wars ever since the 1940s. Our vulnerability lurks in the mind as we see the fragmentation of the life we thought was stable and would remain so. Our vulnerability comes from seeing the fragmentation of other nations, institutions, traditions, foundations and organizations we thought would never fail us.

What we are witnessing, and what is causing the fears in minds which do not fully understand the shift in reality is the inevitable breakdown of the false reality in which we have lived ever so illusionally. The Virtual Reality of this dimension is fracturing.

Why I call this a Virtual Reality, why it is fracturing, and what is to replace it are the very realizations individuals have to make in order to maintain mental health in this time of unprecedented change.

The Process of Realization of the Falsehood of this dimension is painful. However, the process is the only process which will give hope to the desperate. It is the only process which will allow an understanding of what is happening and an understanding of why the True Gnostics called this dimension the Plane of Hypocrisy, the Plane of Dishonesty, of Illusion, and, as I have described, as the Plane of Programming, Pollution and Indoctrination.


To be more specific, it is painful to realize that the Media upon which many of us have relied on for facts of what is going on in the world is but a tool for programming the masses; a tool to convey any Untruth which those in charge, whom elsewhere I have called the Archons, want to convey to the masses who are indeed used as milking cows to do the Archons bidding. They do this bidding by being exploited of their money, time and energy by the many systems we find in modern society. They do this by being programmed to fight wars for the reasons the Archons give them. They do their bidding by killing whenever, and wherever they are asked to do so, under the cover of many so-called ideals, used dishonestly and most evilly. In due course, I shall give examples of this. However, here I want to make the point that this has been the mechanism on this Earth for a long, long time, in order to fool, program and exploit the masses. It is in this century especially that the Media has played such a worldwide role.

But now, as all things fragment, even the Media is becoming ineffectual compared to previous times. Like all other systems, it is disintegrating and those who had been its victims previously are awakening, not only to its disintegration, but also to its ineffectiveness. At the same time, minds are awakening to the programming that they previously received via the Media and are now growing more and more angry at this tool of the Archons.

In previous eras, Religion served a similar purpose as the Media to program the masses, and fight wars in the name of this god and that god. It still does today, as we can see with the evolution of Jihad's against Western Countries, and the nonsense of Jew versus Muslim in the Middle East, Catholic verses Protestant in Northern Ireland, Hindu versus Muslim on the Indian subcontinent, Christian versus Jew in many parts of the world, etc.

It is going to be a painful process now to realize that what we learned at our mother's knee as children about our religion, about Jehovah, etc., is false and ridiculous. Sure, all religions have, or had, some of the seeds of Truth at some time when they first evolved, but by an intentionally EVIL process, these truths have been so corrupted that the Religions are now useless in providing any truth about the Truth-filled Emerging Paradigm of the New Dimension. That is why religions now have no idea of what is going on. That is why they are unable to provide any insight or hope to struggling minds caught in the stresses of incredibly massive changes on Earth. The corrupted and very convoluted texts of pseudo-Christianity, texts such as the Book of Revelation, although based on Gnostic writings, are now useless in defining anything worthwhile with which people could remain mentally aware. If they did provide anything worthwhile, the majority would not be traumatized as they really are. They are awakening to the fact that they have been lied to, even with their Religious Instruction, and this is causing mental anguish as they seek the reality behind the falsehood.

The awakening mind will see that extant religions have been used to keep individuals programmed, exploited and trapped in the Illusion of this pseudo-reality. Religions have been efficient tools of bellicosity which, with the never-ending suffering of wars, has yielded much energy to the evil system to sustain itself. I realize that some of the assertions I make in this short essay may appear esoteric, and hence readers are referred to my early books for fuller explanations.

And so it is also with Science and Government. Minds are awakening to the trickery they have been subjected to. The tricks no longer work. The lies no longer work, again for the same reason - namely, fragmentation is occurring in every sphere of human endeavour, and what kept the people programmed the way the Archons wanted in the past is no longer working, for it is fragmenting.

I have often called Science a fraud. Its explanations appear to work on this level, but in fact, its real fraudulence is seen as it acts, via bluff, to create a false paradigm of reality. As such, it has been a tool of the Evil Archons to keep minds trapped in the illusion. Here are some examples. One of the greatest of its evil tricks which Science performed is the one which dismisses the need for another energy - let's call it ESSE (essential, special, spiritual energy) for the moment - which is essential for existence beyond the physiological processes which Science describes ever so well and fraudulently. The ancient Sanskrit scholars called this energy `prana'.

This trick of Science then negates the spiritual component to existence without which nothing could work in the physical, not even the smallest unit - the atom. What is an atom? Does it have consciousness? Science says no. Of course it has consciousness. What is it made of? A nucleus and electrons. What are electrons? Matter? Energy? Particles? Waves? Science does not know. Where do electrons get the energy to keep spinning around the nucleus? There must be a source, otherwise they would collapse. The power of centripetal and centrifugal forces, of velocity, and of attraction and repulsion are instigated, but these forces need energy to function. Where do they get their energy? Science does not know. It is ESSA (prana). What else? But science scoffs at this for it denies a spiritual component. And yet, its explanation of the simplest complete building block of matter is incomplete without the spiritual component. The basis of all matter - even this evil-created, corrupted matter in this dimension has a spiritual basis. All things have, and this is what all individuals are in the process of finding out as this world in crisis fragments inexorably.

Not convinced that Science bluffs with its picture of Reality? How about the notion that 98% of matter in this universe is Dark Matter? What function does it serve? Why can we not see it? Does it serve some other life forms? What? Am I suggesting the possibility of other lifeforms? Indeed, I am! But Science will have none of that, because Science has given us a false paradigm of Reality.

When Science cannot explain, it bluffs right along. Consider Quantum Mechanics and the disappearance of particles in an accelerator. Where do they go? How can they disappear and reappear? What are they really made of? Can you not conceive the fact that they may be subunits of consciousness which manifest in and out of dimensions? Science cannot, because it does not really have room in its false paradigms for consciousness outside of the physical and it cannot accept multiple dimensionality!

Governments - institutions which can be as corrupt and evil as anyone can imagine, when they are examined closely - are being seen more and more for what they are today, especially with the actions cited as involving terrorism, cleansing of nations of terrorists, etc. The lies are not working. People are seeing through the rhetoric of Government, of leaders, of demagogues and despots as never before.

Thus it is that now, in this unprecedented time, individuals are beginning to question everything - Religion, Science, the Media's honesty, the honesty of Governments and leaders, etc. It is what they are finding which is causing so much mental stress. They realize they are being lied to. They are realizing the basis of existence in this illicit dimension is Falsehood, and they do not like it. And they are internally rebelling. Soon they will rebel physically as well. But no matter what actions they take, they will be left with the need to find the paradigm of Reality if they are going to avoid the chasms of Terminal Madness which await those who cannot make the jump.

Questioning the status quo and finding it is illusional, of falsehood, is not enough. One must gain access to facts of Reality which will allow the emergence of the paradigm of Truth in which one can mentally survive. As I said, the process is painful, for much of what we accepted as normal must be dismissed as illusional. And for most there is a degree of urgency, for the final fragmentation is upon us.

The path to finding the True Reality, the reality into which we are now being hurled, as we witness the disintegration of that which we thought was valid, but which is being exposed as obviously fraudulent, as each hour passes, poses the questions of "Why? Who? When? and How?".

Why is this a fraudulent reality? Why is it a Virtual Reality? Who set it up? Why is it being shattered? Who gained from its existence? Why do the Archons treat us this way? Of what benefit is it to them? Why are we kept pretty much in the dark? Why have institutions such as Religion, Science, Governments become corrupt and a virtual conspiracy against the `common man'? Why is recorded History so much bunkum?

The answers to these questions, which are readily available in the Realm of Gnosticism, are essential components for the basis of realizing the New Reality which is emerging. Although individuals do not need to know every last detail of what is involved, an outline will be helpful in understanding what is going on, why this is a world and realm of fraudulence, why it is being allowed to disintegrate, and to be actively eradicated, why some are seen as sons and daughters of Darkness and why some will disappear into an abyss of irreversible madness.

That the basis of all existence depends on a spiritual component, so vehemently denied by materialistic science, will become obvious now as never before. It is in the ability to shift awareness to that component which will allow minds to make fuller realizations at this time of physical disintegration.

And so, as minds travel from this fast-fragmenting, material world of illusion to a new reality, questions will arise of what a human actually is, how humanity was formed, and by whom. There are valid answers. The answers which the Archons of Falsehood have provided in extant Science, Religion and History will be seen to be deficient as the false paradigm collapses. In the transition of awareness from the false to the true reality, concepts which many may not have considered will need to be integrated.

These concepts include the following:

(Just to diverge a little - it has been a great crime committed against the True Reality that humans have been conned by evil Archons into killing animals for fur, food or fun. Lack of awareness of the existence of consciousness in spheres such as the Earth, the Moon, the Sun, has allowed, particularly in Earth's case, the profane abuse of it leading, certainly, to murderous and suicidal endings. I realize these statements may be subjected to ridicule by the fools. But, knowing ridicule is the baneful tool of the stupidly ignorant, I plough on, knowing such stupidly ignorant fools will soon no longer be part of any reality whatsoever.)

Knowledge of these concepts allows an understanding of what is going on, and the concepts facilitate the acceptance that this is a period of Correction of a Spiritual Error which occurred long, long ago; that this is a period of sorting out, of re-establishing a Divine Order, with True Justice in a valid paradigm of Truthful Reality.

The concepts allow the understanding, which will comfort minds, that Correction necessitates the elimination of that which was corrupt, counterfeit, of falsehood and of Evil, so that the basis of the True Reality now emerging will be one of honesty, not deceit.

And so it is that the process we are now witnessing will, per force, require the permanent removal of all things, be they material or spiritual, which are of the Corruption, of the Counterfeit, or of the Falsehood which fooled us for so long. These aspects will perish forever via a process of transmutation in due course. What we are seeing now in the physical, with the breakdown of many systems, with the disintegration of what we thought was a stable biosphere, with the lashing out of evil intent, is nothing more than the process of elimination of the unwanted. It is a process which must occur. No material thing will survive this process, for every material thing, your physical body and mine included, is of the evil essence which must be eradicated.

Viewed rationally, this process of elimination should not produce fear except to those who have acted with evil to sustain the illusion. They fear, for now they are in the process which judges them and finds them wanting. And they know this means permanent removal from existence. This they fear.

You have known since you attained the Age of Reason that some day you would physically die. Only a fool would think otherwise and deny that is so. Alas, there are many fools among us. Be that as it may, an understanding that many other facets, apart from the physical, make up our existence will allow a smoother transition from this collapsing reality to the one awaiting. With realizations to be made, knowing that nothing of value is lost, that the evil-created, unwanted physical is being discarded, individuals can detach from the process of disintegration and focus on the coming reality which will be of True Peace and Justice.

Without the realizations I speak of, without the knowledge I am revealing, without the detachment from the horror now obvious in the world, individuals will be overcome with anxiety, hysteria, paranoia and fear of physical decay. They will not cope; rather they will succumb to the Terminal Madness of the Physical Endtime. If that is the case, they have only themselves to blame.