Awareness of abduction and contact experiences is on the increase and groups seeking to assist people in the integration of these experiences are springing up everywhere at an amazing rate.

The approaches and personalities of these groups express a rich spectrum of the ways in which the human spirit triumphs over adversity and grows in the face of challenge.  Separately across the nation and the globe abductees are finding answers and unearthing pieces of the puzzle in their search for understanding.

Our mission in building Bridges is to overcome the fragmentation between these communities  and bring a sense of solidarity to people that have experienced  deep isolation.

Bridges seeks to provide a network of support and communication for group leaders challenged with this role. We wish to enhance the exchange of information between support group leaders and provide assistance to experiencers who want to form groups. Bridges also will provide referrals for abductees seeking to access support groups.

Our ultimate goal is to lay the foundation for a future in  which abductees and their children can deal with their  experiences openly without fear of ridicule. Spanning the gap in communication and understanding is our first step.