Re: Object between moon and earth at 280,000 miles ?! Date: 99-01-02 15:44:07 EST From: "ENOCH" To: CC: (Charlie Plyler, ELFRAD Kent Steadman, editor-ORBIT) Question; The signal is centered around .9 hz. The wavelength at that frequency is 206,946 miles. If a moving body in free space  possesses a magnetic field would it generate a frequency that was in proportion to the distance from the moving body to earth? Answer from "ENOCH" former USN, radar and electonic counter measure intelligence; If the body possesses a magnetic field it will generate a frequency which varys according to its relative speed and distance from earth. If the object has rotation on an axis the signal received on earth will vary in strength according to its rotational aspect and shape. Photons from the sun hitting its surface can also affect a return signal because of the deflection off the surface of the object if in its material makeup the elements present will react to the intense radiation . A sun flare of immense proportions was recorded by infrared camera's mounted on the new space station, on Mir and some military. This occured on Dec 24. If side lobes of equal strength are detected on either side of the band width then the object most definitely has an internal mechanism at work which could indicate a gyro being employed for navigational purposes. A beat frequency oscillator turned on and tuned to the frequency will permit sliding across the bandwidth to better detect an consistent rotation rate. The theory is the same in detection of air search radar returnsa versus surface search radar. Surface radar is polarized vertically while air radar is polarized horizontally because of the plne of detection you wish to employ. I have looked at the photo and the oscilliscope Jpeg pictures. In my opinion the object is rotating slowly, I would strongly suggest the following; 1. Set a "Mark Time", use a sextant mounted on a tripod with a telescope which has the capability of automatically accounting for the earths rotation.(connect a cam corder to the large telescope)(set white light shutter speed)(if you have color filter which only allows green wave length thru put that over the telescope lense) 2. Tune the radio monitoring equipment (Have tape recorder turned on) 3. Prepare to take a precise visual position angle reading with the sextant cross hairs(very important not to bump the tripod) 4. Generate an oscilliscope picture simultaneously.(have someone ready to photograph screen) 5. All stations operators agree at a preset start time, say 20:00 hours(8:00 p.m.) when moon is visible) Say "Standby to Mark !) then (say Mark! precisely at ( take your first picture and record the radio signal return data, pulse duration, bandwidth, etc. 6. Do this every 15 minutes for at least an hour. 6.(A.) take at minumum four data blocks and view all together, a unmistakeable pattern will present itself. If the object is changing its relative position angle and radio pulse durations or band width varies then it can be tracked and a prediction of its CPA, (closest point of approach to earth) can be plotted three dimensionally. Possibly by using J-Track on the WEB ??! 7. If the objects position angle does not change, its aspect in latitude or longitude point in the sky, its band width but the pulse duration is getting shorter, then, it is with 99% certainty and predictably I would say on a collision course with the earth !!! 8. If the signal amplitude is getting stonger and there is no shift in the frequency but the pulses are also becoming shorter in their duration then the object is spinning and heading directly for earth. FYI: If lightening strikes the earth it vibrates at 7.85 hertz, if it strikes a living organism that organism will vibrate at 6.68 hrtz. When modern submarines are operating their ELF. (Extreme Low Frequency) to communicate with the pentagon they use 13 hrtz radio waves passsing through the earth, and earth's oceans. Any living organism in the ocean will have its natural radar jammed or its brain damaged if too close to the source of the transmission. This is why we see beached whales and other marine life from time to time on our coast lines (its no mystery to anyone at the CIA, NSA or in Naval Intelligence) that the chances are 98% of the time human generated ELF was being used in an immediate coastal area if there was an "unexplained" beaching of the marine life. They cannot see with their natural radar because it is being jammed by the ELF. Dr. Beck from Oregon designed a brain tuner which proved beyond shadow of doubt this phenomenon was very real as far back as 1974 when the USSR and the USA began conducting electronic warfare. This is very serious stuff folks ! If there is an object between us and the moon you can bet those people at Offutt AFB in Omaha know about it because they have the anntennae and power to bounce signals off the moon and radar strong enough to "see the object" possibly even its shape in great detail. We have a new observatory at Prep on our roof, I will contact our resident Jesuit Physicist and astronomer . I will do my best to make all these contacts within the next 24 hours and report back any information I obtain through Scott Colborn....... Most Concerned, "ENOCH" Kent Steadman, ORBIT, query re, publishing above to ORBIT and Newsgroups: Agreed, make it "anon" please........feel free to plug me in where I might be of best use. When you relay "anon" attach an identifier ENOCH, that way anyone out there who knows me will know instantly our efforts are coordinated