More info concerning the Sun Date: 98-07-23 04:55:46 EDT From: (princess h2o) Reply-to: To: File: summary of saturn.wpd (8406 bytes) DL Time (TCP/IP): < 1 minute Hi Kent, My name is Brian. Mercedes and I have been checking out your web site on more than one occasions and I must say, we do find it fascinating. Keep up the good work. She told me about your response concerning the Keys of Enoch: The Book of Knowledge by Dr. J. J. Hurtak. who may be reached at this web address also "". I thought you might find it helpful to read an article I published concerning the Academy material. I will send this as an attachment as well as paste the article below in case you do not have Wordperfect. Hope you find it interesting. Take care. A brief summary concerning the article : Review of the Study of the Rings of Saturn by the Academy For Future Science. (located on the net @ This article details some of the reasons why there have been large scale anomolies found within the Magnetosphere of planetary ring formation around Saturn. If you read it very carefully, it gives some direction how magnetism interrelates with gravity and how large scale Electromagnetic "bursts" are effecting the formation of new magnetic alignments, wavelengths, and field parameters. The reason these anomolies are discussed is because the changes in the magnetic density levels have a core relationship with greater changes taking place throughout the entire galaxy. Changes which will be noticed in the electron “spin orientation” allowing for a new biochemical double-bonding to take place within the DNA-RNA helix and new Spectral time-zones of Life to be created . Through magnetohydrodynamic changes taking place the biogravitational linkage with electron spin-orientation is broken and this will allow for the destructive entropy of our time-zone to be absorbed so that radiation is benign! Here inner magnetohydrodynamic fields allow for harmonic intensities to respacialize the spiraling effects of electron-proton mappings in the DNA-RNA helix, creating a new super-helix which is impervious to negative entropy, friction, and decay. ( It will become apparent that the electromagnetic-gravitational grid of the earth has space-time thresholds in geophysical areas which connect with other Life zones of Intelligence. This shows us the larger graviton mappings on the edge of our galaxy. And that these Higher Spectra’s of Intelligence are able to communicate with man through time-translation and gravity modulation and de-modulation in detectable wavelengths of the graviton spectrum. ) These changes within the sun (electromagnetic bursts) will soon begin to grow in magnitude and result in the complete re-alignment of the earth's Magnetic astronomical north-pole. (Cosmic radiation will penetrate to the core of the earth, through the north pole changing the Iron electro-static field into a liquid plastic-like state, causing it to “act as a core dynamo lubricant “. This will allow for a complete shifting or “reversal” of the entire mantle of the earth as a new Magnetic meridian is set up.) If you take a look at any of the Solar observatory sites on the web, you'll find related material which details current ejections of metamaterial in the outer-layer of the sun's membrane. Apparently one of these membranes has been completely discarded, and the Sun no longer has a "visible" or detectable “north-south” magnetic axis. All these changes are detailed in the Keys of Enoch: The Book of Knowledge by Dr. J. J. Hurtak, first published some thirty yrs ago for an important reason. (Oh by the way these changes are predicted on page 380., KEY 304). Within this key, are predictions of scientific advancements and discoveries which will prove that Mankind has his bodily (biochemical, genetic) functions coded into higher rhythms of Life beyond our Solar "magnetic paradigm" of power. The Electromagnetic "energy" of our Sun's light interacting with our biomagnetic DNA is what causes aging! Here, centropy will allow man to develop a whole new double helix bonding using "electron-proton-electron" gravity flux-line "grid" controls, whereby gravity is uniquely overcome. (Gravity is only a sub-set of a much larger Graviton spectrum, a spectrum that when utilized by Man will allow for tele-communication & even "biolocation" with other Intelligences of Life in other parts of the Galaxy.) Hence, the upheavals which will be seen further from the 'core of the Sun' and the Earth's core, can become benign. Here, I am referring specifically to radiation from the Sun in the Ultraviolet range. Ultraviolet light usually makes DNA impossible to transcribe, affecting the entire health of the immune system and specie death. However, with a new “electron-proton-electron” mapping within the DNA spiral, thymine is prevented from dimerizing, and subsequently bursting from cyclobutane, and tRNA replication continues! These extreme energy changes are allowed to take place, because establishing a new wavelength of "spin-orientation" of the electron, is a necessary step in preparing whole planetary species to be quantumly relocated into a Higher Electromagnetic Spectrum of Intelligence. And through the penetration of more photons in the earths's biosphere, Man's biological (or more accurately his phylogenetic tree and hemoglobin chain) makeup will actually be enabled to exchange "flesh" for "garments of Light". Hence, man’s genetic DNA code will be changed to live in a more spatial environment within a less dense frequency wavelength of Light. Man will grow “more transparent” as the old spirals in the beta-oxygen bonds are discarded and the alpha-oxygen/delta-oxygen bonds remain, in order to have the necessary biomagnetic and biogravitional circulatory system to live in a less dense Electromagnetic environment. Here core electromagnetic & magnetohydrodynamic energy changes allow for the spin orientation to create spiraling effects (of the DNA-RNA helix) and change the behavior of the electron-proton double bonding causing the spectral pattern to be “shifted” into new energy bands. This biological regenesis or "quantum relocation" to a New Heavens is the only good news since these changes in the biograviton spectrum are timed to occur with the end of our Alpha-Omega cycle (our civilization called a Population I system on the lip of space is divided into beginning or "seed" and end or "graduation" unfoldments. Thus alpha-omega programs are re-capitulated, and renewed into Higher Electromagnetic wavelengths of Light spectrums in the Mind of God...this is just like another Noah's Ark), and with "great astronomical signposts" and with great "upheavals from the core of the earth". And at this "appointed time", the dead will be raised and we will wear what the ancient Mayans called the Crystal Skull of Heavenly Glory. Here destructive radiation from our sun’s electromagnetic spectrum are absorbed and Life continues into the Higher Image. Amen.