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The Pine Ridge Standoff - Check below for the latest.

(a possible standoff in progress)

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Last Update- JANUARY 18, 2000 1:30 p.m. Pacific Time

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From Pine Ridge: This Just in…

13:30 MT Jan 18, 2000

A Sierra Times Exclusive…

The Pine Ridge standoff maybe expanding. The American Indian Movement as

issued a press release asking Natives for across the nation to join the Pine

Ridge action. Sources say the response has been positive. All Indian Nations

are being asked by the American Indian Movement to declare their


There seems to be a mood of National Tribal Unity afoot.

The Tribal Council of Pine Ridge, who were ousted from the offices yesterday

are currently using the Prairie Winds Casino on the reservation has their

temporary headquarters. Sources on the Reservation said the Tribal Council

has called upon the South Dakota Governor as well as U.S law enforcement to

remove the protesters from the Tribal Headquarters. The 200 plus protesters

are determined not to leave.

The FBI heavy equipment has left view (large trucks) but are still believed

to be somewhere on the reservation.

Last night, shots were reported during the initial Martial Law actions. The

Tribal private security was repelled by local reservation residents. Law

Enforcement did not have enough personnel to enforce any meaningful action.

The Local Police chief of Pine Ridge has publicly stated that he will not

get involved.

“This is not Indian vs. Indian. It is Indian nation against vs Local wealthy

white families who have controlled everything on the reservation since the

1930.s”, said Rev. Mike Thunderlight. "Indians are uniting from all over the


Latest Update as of 11:00 am MST

As per Martina Lookinghorse:

- Events on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation are now being conducted under the Lakota Sioux Nation as a whole

... no longer just by the Oglala Tribe or other band within the Nation, but rather as the entire Nation.

- During the night, an additional occupying group has now taken over the Community Action Program Building in

Allen (sp?), SD - which is about 30 miles from Pine Ridge. Discrepancies have been found in that Program's

financial records as well.

- A call for assistance at both the White Clay and Cheyenne River Tribal Offices - HAS - been made by

sympathizers, tho no formal plans are available at this time.

- Word about the TB2000 coverage and assistance has spread throughout the Lakota Nation. Martina says that,

knowing that she is in contact with the forum, dozens of people have asked her to relay their thanks.

- Finally, apparently late last night/early this morning, during the establishment of Martial Law, shots WERE fired.

As earlier reported, in the last few days, the Tribal Council has fired over 60 LEO's, so most residents are having to

deal with the ongoing situation without law enforcement assistance. With insufficient officers, Martial Law broke

down, and the residents themselves maintained peace, lawm and order in their community. Details are still sketchy

at the moment, but it appears that local sympathetic residents prevented any tragedies from occurring, and no

reports of injuries or damage are being reported.

The Tribal Council and the Treasurer have established a headquarters at the casino in Pine Ridge. The casino is

heavily armed. Tribal Building occupants have no weapons, it is reported that the occupants did not even bring

pocket knives into the building with them.

- More details regarding these and other actions currently underway will follow as soon as available.

Rev. ThunderLight

Pine Ridge 22:45 MT Jan 17, 2000

From Thunderlight:

Pine Ridge is now under local martial law. Thorough vehicle searches, with possible house

to house searchs being considered, looking for weapons.

Pine Ridge: 22:30 MT Jan 17 00


January 17, 2000


On January 17, 2000 at 10:00 a.m., a group of concerned Grass Roots Oyate

(people) met with representatives of the Federal Bureau of Investigation to

determine what action, if any, the Federal Government will take against the

corrupt Oglala Sioux Tribal Treasurer and Council Members.

Hundreds of tribal members filed into the cramped office space to tell their

stories to the federal agents. Stories of land stealing, homelessness,

poverty, tribal law enforcement abuses, lack of accountability from elected

officials. Two hours later, the FBI agents were growing weary and requested

a break to speak with media on the scene.

The Grass Roots Oyate took control of the Tribal Office on Sunday, January

16, 2000 for the sole purpose of protecting the files from tampering. The

Grass Roots Oyate, consisting of tribal members - young and old, have stated

that they will retain control of the building until their demands (see

attached) are met. This group feels that this action is long overdue and

has demanded the immediate removal of Oglala Sioux Tribal Treasurer Wesley

"Chuck" Jacobs for gross misconduct and mismanagement of tribal funds.

Additionally, the Grass Roots Oyate is seeking the removal of Tribal Council

Representatives who are involved in the corruption of this tribal


At the close of today's meeting, the FBI agents informed the Oglala people

that they have acquired some financial records already from unnamed sources

and an investigation is underway. They stated that they are not at liberty

to elaborate on this investigation but added that they are investigating

various programs within the Tribe and they hope to conclude this process


The FBI stated that they will return to the Red Cloud Tribal Building on

Tuesday, January 18, 2000 to hear further testimony.

For further information, please contact Dale Looks Twice or Floyd Hand at

(605) 867-5303.

20:35 MT 01/17/00

Pine Ridge: From Jane Beckman

Just talked with Martina Looking Horse in Green Grass...several have asked

what is behind the occupation..the news has carried information about the

occupation without stating the bottom line. John just did.

This is an effort to overthrow the 1934 Wheeler act which declared the

people incompetent to manage their own affairs and put into place an office

to handle them called the BIA and its corrupt system of government.

Cheyenne River is watching closely and sending support as well as Rosebud.

If this succeeds they will be an independent fully sovereign nation with

rights to independently make treaties with other nations around the world on

their own merits free of the US and its imposed system.

I told her prayers were going out from all over for their success...and how

important it is for other nations watching that this be handled

well...because it is a movement that has the potential to spread like

wildfire across this land. Eradicate the BIA...and do it from the ground

up..grass roots.

Martina spoke, as an activist who is afraid to live on her own reservation

because of threats and harassment she has received in her opposition to the

tribal council She says there is one 93 year old grandmother caring for her

great grand children on her SSI pension, they get 30$ a month in food stamps

for each kid..that is all..and the kids parents go out and drink because

there are no jobs and under the present system there is no hope.

this occupation IS the hope of the future..strong independent nations whose

leaders say what can I do to help you? Not, live in expensive homes and

retire on pensions and then say to people eating beans every night, "sorry,

there is no money for you."

Leaders who help the young people to get housing, not two and three families

to a house with no running water and the council that builds housing for

their own families on their own land with the funding received from the BIa

that should have gone to the people.

this is what this is is about true sovereignty...make the spark

ignite throughout the nations on this continent!

19:30 MT Jan 17, 2000:

From Pine Ridge:

Off the police scanner, all police have been called to offices, and phones are out. They think it may

go down within the hour. Chuck Jacobs of the Tribal Council has announced

he's going to take the place by tomorrow at latest, and all sides are arming up.

In other News...

Thugs in the Forest - From Landrightsletter.comPosted Jan 17,2000

A report about the New attitude of the USFS

WACO: Mt. Carmel Church under Re-Construction - Dallas Morning News 1/17/00

Let's hope it will be fireproof this time

AL: Moron gets 10 years in ATF sting op - 1/17/00

This will teach him to keep hos mouth shut

OpEd: My AOL by Tom Adkins - The Common Conservative 1/17/00

Adkins lays out the Rules of Engagement for the Digitail Revolution